Quiet Hour at Woolworths Highfields
Quiet Hour is designed to help make the shopping experience less stressful for people who experience sensory overload. Some of the lights will be turned down, the music and pager messages will be silent, the sounds on the checkouts will been lowered and there will been a “pause” in restocking of shelves and trolley replacement for one hour, every Tuesday within Woolworths.
Head in store from 10:30am until 11:30am on Tuesday's, to experience this yourself.
What is sensory overload?
If you’ve ever been in a busy crowd at the EKKA, you’ll have an idea of what sensory overload can feel like. Bright lights, strong smells, people in your personal space to the point where it’s overwhelming – that’s what sensory overload can feel like.
Not uncommon for people with autism, sensory overload can make people extra-sensitive to things others may not notice. A standard fluorescent light can flicker like a strobe light or buzz loudly, music can be overwhelming, smells can be extremely strong and they may need more personal space.
Everyone is welcome to shop during Quiet Hour – it’s not restricted and there is no need to book.